IG Mystery Method
The unique, low-profile, low-effort, high-ROI Instagram Mystery Method on swooping beauties near you
The biggest issue with any one’s pursuit to success in any facet will always start with a lack of leads. If it’s being broke, your problem is in lead generation within your cash vehicle (obviously). If it’s becoming a strong boxer, it’s lead generating sparring practice and training (not too obvious). If it’s getting girls and enjoying more out of life being surrounded by hot babes, it’s generating dates with many girls (not obvious to most).
The issue with getting girls is that in today’s age it’s difficult if you seem out of practice, or seem like a guy who is new to the whole dating scene. This doesn’t mean you’ve never been laid, or you’re not a reasonably charming man. What it means is that the competition nowadays is fierce and the ones who claim most of the hot women are guys who get most of the hot women. They’re more on fire than you are because they just had a date last week and now they’re going on another one with another girl. Leaving guys who haven’t been laid, or even on a date in months, to dry.
People who lack a vehicle to getting them first dates are playing a losing game this way, you see? The longer you are out of practice, the worse your game will be when you finally and luckily get a date again.
If you’re a man looking to get more out of life by being able to find beautiful girls who live in your city, be able to put your foot in their door, get their number out of thin air, and take them out on a date, then keep reading.
Before you think, “Andrew Tate talked about IG game, I need insane amounts of followers, expensive cars, watches, cigars, I can never do this, I’m a simple man who prefers to keep it low-profile. My IG is simple, and I only have a few hundred followers. This isn’t for guys like me.” I will tell you that Tate’s guide is bullshit in today’s age.
Take it from me, someone who’s about keeping it low-profile. I’m not some loud, attention-whore, Ferrari driving, 100k+ followers, public and verified IG account. I’m quite the opposite. I’m private, less than 300 followers, less than 10 posts, and am able to get in contact with absolute beauties that guys with 50k+ followers fail to do. Why?
I’ll tell you in a minute, but before that I want to emphasize one very important thing, and if you don’t agree with this or if this doesn’t coincide with who you are at this moment,
I’m serious. The topic of getting girls is extremely sensitive to most men, especially those who don’t have easy access to it (no worries about that, we’ll discuss fixing this by end of this post). So if you are a guy who obviously gets laid with high quality girls, then stop reading. This clearly isn’t for you.
So who is this for?
This is for guys who understand that IG game is one vehicle out of many others.
This is for guys who want to swoop beautiful girls using their phone.
This is for guys who are sick and tired of swipe apps because they’re shit quality or just don’t work for them.
This is for guys who want to be able to get a date within a week, all while not having to leave their work-station or the gym or the bathroom.
This is for guys who want to swoop beauties in a different country before going there.
This is for guys who are willing to put in a minimal amount of work using their fucking fingers to secure dates with absolute smokeshows most guys would never have a chance with.
If you are not this guy, then by all means: STOP READING HERE.
However, if this resonates with you and you are the type of guy who checks these boxes, I will tell you why it is that Tate’s methods don’t work anymore and mine does, for quite literally any single human being.
Matter of fact, I’d go as far to say my method works far better for the majority of people in the long-run, I’m talking quality of life, not having to be public, constantly thinking about life in terms of IG stories and “bitches gonna love this when I post it”, etc, and I know this because I’ve used Tate’s methods with slight success and over the years have edited, manipulated, and tricked around with it until I’ve come up with my very own. A method that I’ve seen absolutely ZERO people speak about nor utilize.
I’ve put on all my close single friends onto this and they’ve had near immediate success with getting results from girls they never had a chance with prior my method.
What’s the method you may ask?
I call it the IG Mystery Method because it’s exactly that.
You see Tate’s IG method is all about having a big account, being public, being known, and someone who a bunch of bottle girls at clubs and hookers would like to get to know ($). But that’s not the girl I ever wanted to attract so why would I bend over backwards creating a page that attracts this?
You see I understood what kind of girls I want.
It’s the private profiles. The beautiful girl you can see with just her profile picture. Few hundred followers, no more than 500.
And I’ve found a way of generating leads in finding these girls in my city.
As well as a way of getting them to want to get to know me. That’s right. I flip it on their heads and make them want to know who I am.
Because this is the IG Mystery method.
I’ve had countless success stories using this and have gone on many, many dates with beautiful and absolutely sweet girls over the years using this method.
I’ve also put on my friends who have even better profiles than I do, arguably.
My point is that it works.
But you need the framework, the proper mentality going into this, a group of men on the same mission to confide in and you need someone who has experience with this.
What you need is the exact step-by-step in swooping beauties near you using only your phone.
You need someone to talk to when you’re not sure of what to do, so you can later know how to move on your own accord.
You need a group of guys going for the same results as you, and sharing what works and doesn’t.
I have many more but here are the few pictures I found in my phone using this exact method.
Notice how I start every conversation but they all end up responding; a lot of these I’ve gotten their #s and a few of these I’ve gone out with. As a low-profile man, I respect others’ privacies just the same as well as my method and what I say that gets them to respond (it’s much more than what I say btw), so I blurred out their IGs and the conversations (obviously).
Kept their faces to prove the level of beauty to which I’m speaking on but obviously blurred their actual name and identity.
Understand that I am a simple man when it comes to what I show on my IG. But I get the job done by getting in contact with girls most guys would never have the chance with, and I never needed to download Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge.
Matter of fact, this is way higher of a success rate than any swipe apps. And you don’t have to degrade yourself to that cesspool.
I have the real deal foundation in getting yourself dates with absolute smokeshows as I’ve done many times.
You don’t need day game if you master this (although I do recommend being social and going out with friends, and talking to girls).
You don’t need to go to the loud club where you’ve not enjoying yourself.
You don’t need to go dry for months and years on end hoping a girl will fall in your lap.
If you are still reading this, you need this method because it is a life changer.
You will never have a doubt in your mind you’ll be able to source dates with girls who live near you.
You are forever unlocking a method I will never speak about publicly.
This is something I had to work on over the years and something I’ve honed after many “failures/rejections”.
What Are You Getting?
How to find beautiful girls who live near you at mass (no spending 10 minutes on one girl, but finding 10 girls in 1 minute instead)
How to position yourself from a winning standpoint before you even go with the IG Mystery Method
The mindset necessary for this method to even work
The mindset necessary for taking girls on fun dates
The entire blueprint from start (being your account setup) to finish (her professing her love to you)
Fun date ideas and how to secure a second date, or even better..
A group chat with myself as well as all others who have the bought the IG Mystery Method, sharing thoughts, asking for advice, and getting results
A life-long strategy in getting yourself women
I’ve been able to snag a few reviews, COMPLETELY on their own volition. These people came to me telling me it works. I’m positive there are so many more who haven’t reached out, probably busy with different Russians and Brazilian model-types in their city. Here are just a few.

How much?
How much is it to unlock lead generation for the biggest problem majority of men have?
How much for getting women with the ease of clicking on a screen with their fingers, and without having to be seen on some shit swipe-app, or having to be a trust-fund baby with a Bugatti?
$200. $300.
And over the months, this price will rapidly increase.
Turning to $300 on January 1st, 2025.
Started at $100, was at $200, is currently $300.
For now.
I will never drop it so the price you see now is the lowest it’ll ever be.
If you offered me a way to generate leads with beautiful women to go on dates for a measly $200, I would’ve done it at age 18.
Matter of fact, if you truly knew this would benefit you for life (knowing you can use this to score up dates with hot girls any day of the week), you’d easily pay multiple thousands for this. Because you cannot put a price on romance, sex, or love.
You simply cannot.
So $200 is a steal.
$300 is a steal.
Even $750 is a steal.
But it is only going to be $200 for now. Later it will increase to $300.
Already $300. Will be $400 soon.
If you have read this far, it means one thing.
I’m not some professional copywriter. I did not try to string words together to get you to keep reading.
I wrote this in one take, and wrote it very simply.
If you read this far, it means you are clearly interested and this is something you know will benefit you greatly. And for $300, even $500, this is a steal.
Get the method and you will be directed to the guide immediately.
Don’t let life pass you by. This is a genuinely strong and fool-proof method I’ve used for years as well as put my friends on who thank me to this day for getting dates with hotties.
This will get you results you most likely never had before, with 10 times less difficulty and effort.
Get the IG Mystery Method at the lowest price while you still can.
Happy swooping!
P.S. As this is a digital product filled with hours of videos of me showing you how to go from A to Z, all sales are final. You are getting every thing you thought you would to get you what you want+ a group chat where any and all questions asked can and will be answered either by me or the plethora of other members who’ve also purchased IG Mystery.