Lapping Your Enemies On Your Worst Day
Groggy from 3 hours of sleep; you were tired but you still couldn’t sleep. Bad shoulder from snatching too competitively. Achy elbow from nasty lead hooks on heavy bag. Wake up to a phone with texts from people that aren’t her. Heart hurts. Lungs feel weak from the cigs you’ve been incincerating.
Am I dying?
Does it matter? We’re all dying, every single day, one step closer to not being alive. What does matter is getting the work done, even on your worst day. Picture you teleported few hundreds years back to a desert with a couple thousand of men behind you. Same symptoms as in the beginning, but you wake up with a sword and shield. Ahead are red and black banners, the sound of your heartbeat matches the drums you hear few hundred feet ahead, black masked men, thousands of them, long spears, black horses with iron helmets. The aroma of death plays beneath your nostrils. Your blood is blue and cold.
What the fuck are you doing? Retreating back to sleep? TikTok? DM a few bitches in hopes of a reply? There is no other option but to march forward, with gusto and the spirit of a thousand men, straight toward victory or death. Anything is better than stagnant nothingness. Constant hours drained away, nothing done but the same annoying nuisances bugging you like insects crawling on the inside of your ear. No. Your work is not finished and despite however bad you feel, the work must be done partner. Life or death.
On the other side of where you’re yawning, there is your enemy. You may know him or you may have yet to meet him. But one day you will. And those days you gave yourself a spa day because you didn’t “feel like it”, he kept going because he read this piece. Because he knew the day will come where he will be more prepared physically, mentally, financially, and powerfully. And you will finally taste the morbid truth of loss and perhaps death. Whether that’s your life or your soul, it’s a debate on which is worse to lose. Better to not let someone else decide for you.
Imagine you’re able to push through your worst days; you overlook the mountains and see all you’ve climbed despite the headhaches, heartaches, ballsaches, and whatever else you might be feeling. What a feeling.
If you can do what must be done on your bad days, imagine what can be done on your best? That is precisely why you must persist, and fight harder than ever when you don’t feel like fighting. Because these are reps in the gym for a specific exercise you rarely workout. The exercise of resilience. The exercises of will power and discipline. Any athlete can perform well when he’s firing on all four, but how many can do what they must upon hearing bad news? No sleep? Bank overdrawn? None of it matters, but the goal in mind. So when you’re having a tough one, remember to push because if you can keep up with your enemies on your worst day, you’ll lap them on your best. And trust me partner, there’s a lot of better days to come.
P.S. No music for you this piece, get to work. And subscribe motherfucker!