I have taken the personality test beforeand based on the result, I am easily an explorer. I have been very curious since I was a child. This was worth reading. Thank you bruv.

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I see some similarities with the Jester and Samurai post because the only way to find your archetype is to spend time with yourself asking the real and hard questions.

I learned that at a young age from being homeschooled with no one at home.

Do you feel that meeting a lot of different people have helped you in discovering yourself ? Your own archetype ? Or have the lonely nights pondering deep questions have been more beneficial ?

Do you think that throughout ones life, people evolve through different archetypes ? Have a part of their life where they are a rebel, then become a commander, etc.... I guess maybe it's just that as they get to know themselves better they discover their true inner archetype and all the previous ones were merely fakes and imitations.

Just some thoughts, thank you for the post, great read ! I will sleep on it, integrate it and come back and read it multiple times

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You need both solidarity and being around people to see which arch is yours for sure. Cant be a commander or provocateur if youre alone all the time. Cant be a visionary if you dont spend time alone either.

Archetypes can definitely be multiphasic in some aspects, but the goal is to find what you wholly align with since 13-25+. I agree with your last sentence on your 3rd paragraph.

Appreciate the comment, Boaki

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