If you’re a man of excellence, you will eventually find yourself around all types of men. One specific sort of man you will get is a guy who is capable of swooping and dating beautiful women. Girls who are objectively hot. There’s no need to deny it or play coy. However, there’s a standard that you, the friend, are to be kept at in order to continue being around exceptional circles as well as to keep loyalty among proper friends. Too many of you are weird around hot women, and it’s somewhat understandable if you’re in high school or early college, but at some point it clearly has to stop.
You need to realize your friend is leagues of importance above some random chick who’s attractive and has a body like all the other hot girls do. Women are on every block; loyal and top-notch friends are in insane rarity. Currently, the ratio for this one friend is about 12 beautiful girls. And if you play your cards right, that same man could probably bring you far more hot girls in the long run than trying to be a skeevy little pervert, backstabbing rat ever could. Plus the obvious benefits of having a loyal brother to ride this journey out with. Most never get that. So if you are placed in this situation, you need to know how to treat your friend’s hot gf.
Why Are You Like This?
Question for you. If you ever catch yourself trying to clown your friend or become competitive towards painting your friend in a bad light around hot girls, you need to think as to why are you like this? You do understand that there’s a plethora of beautiful women for you, right? If he’s a solid man, he’d hype you up in front of other girls, too. Now in case you and your friend have this weird rivalry of who can get better girls and try to derail each other on nights out, then it would make sense why you’re like this; but what doesn’t make sense is why you’d ever waste your night out with a guy like that? Zero benefit. Better off going out solo. Also throw number in trash.
A majority of people who try to cockblock their friends around hot girls is due to 2 reasons:
Lack of abundance
Weird competition where you’d like them to do well, but never better than you (which leads back to your lack of abundance in #1)
Understand that you live in a time where getting girls has truly never been easier. And I absolutely hate seeing nerds on twitter saying this about literally everything, but when it comes to getting girls, it is very true. Some of you may have given it a half-assed attempt at swooping girls at loud clubs and decided going out isn’t for you (night game is near impossible if you’re low energy and quiet, unless you’re buying out tables for a few grand each time you go). But the thing is you probably don’t know how many other avenues of getting a girl are offered to you today. Give this a read if you are in this circle. Night club is one of many lead generating avenues, and not even remotely preferred or recommended on the Raw Manifesto.
Now if you’re not lacking abundance but you are this competitive type of guy who cannot stand to see his friends doing better than you, I highly consider you to work on deleting that part from your wiring. It is rat-like, and not conducive to loyal relationships with anyone. It will cause you a lot of stress and headaches in the long-run, and you will be lapped by a group of friends who only root for each others’ success and help each other out to lap the next group of inferior friends. If you can understand this, you are on the right track to learning how to properly treating your friend’s hot girlfriend.
Understand that the loyalty you get from the man with a hot gf because you know how to treat her in a proper fashion will grow infinitely larger than nearly anything else. Any dominant and respectful man is hyper-territorial. If he has a brain and is able to see you’re purposely treating her the way I’ll speak about — out of respect for him — you gain an immense amount of gratitude not because he fears you can do any damage, but because you’re a gentleman who gets the game. Because you’re not a salivating dog with rabies. Because you come off with abundance, as if this isn’t anything special. Guys who get girls, invite other guys to parties and rooms with hot girls because they’d make the host look good. No one invites creeps who’d try to cockblock or worse, steal a set or a girl from their friend.
He will respect you and appreciate you more. He’ll think to himself, “This guy got it. He knows how to go about things. Doesn’t need to be talked to. He gets it. So few of my friends are like this.” It has immeasurable amount of ROI in knowing how to treat your friend's hot gf.
Plus if you or when you eventually get a hot gf of your own, you will see what we mean. You will see how others will act and lose respect for them. You will wish you were better behaved and more well-mannered towards your friends in the past. But because you are reading this, you can skip all that and gain this sacred and helpful knowledge now.
How to Treat Your Friend’s GF
Let’s address the big elephant in the room.
She’s clearly hot. There’s no denying that, and you’re not gay.