As a proud owner of a brain—a rather shiny, industrious, ingenious, and quite strong brain—I look back to what I utilize differently than the other people who can’t say the same for their lackluster ones. I then realize I’ve developed a series of mental tricks and tactics that take me above the clouds when every one else seems to be suffering in the volcanic ash. Beamingly optimistic despite losing enormous percentage of net-worth on sports betting last night that’d crumble an average, even above average man. Getting rejected or heart broken by a girl I really liked or even loved, but still smiling and cracking jokes.
How does he do it? Does he not feel? Is he stu- no that can’t be! He must be a wizard!
Today we delve into something that will benefit every single one of you reading this right now. To avoid Being Normal, we get into part one of my mind manipulation series. We’ll be covering one of the most important aspect of mental manipulation and mental resilience as a whole.
Mental reframes.