Like with all self-accountability and responsibility, those who lack it take advice the hardest. Maybe we can start off with that one. But first, I’d like to say that this journey of ours isn’t an independent one. By that, of course, I mean that none of our life’s problems are unique. We all have money problems, and if he doesn’t I’m sure that other man does or did or will. And of course people have relationship problems. A very big crowd of people had their hearts broken by a woman they trusted and love with every fiber of their being, and even more borrowed from loved ones’ they’ve disagreed or chose not to heed the advice of. People have gone through death and come out of the tunnel with flare guns for hands, shooting at what seems to be an opening to a new life. People have experienced death of loves ones, like their grandparents and parents. A very unfortunate group of people had the misery of seeing their children go before them, too. It can always be worse. And it’s rarely ever a new or different problem you may be experiencing.
Understand this when trying to deconstruct every molecule under the sun for why you’re not succeeding in whatever facet. Or why you’re not happy. Or why you have pendulum swings of happiness and depression.
You’re human.
Not machine or robot. But flesh and blood. And piss and shit. And wisdom and retardation. You laugh and cry. You worry although you don’t want others to suspect anything out of you. You’re infallible, of course. Of course.
But I know. You cannot lie to me because I know. I am imperfect just like every single person reading this. I don’t claim to be holier than thou nor more successful or happier or sadder or whatever metric comes up to your mind when an insecurity is triggered. But I must preface this before we delve into a very sensitive topic:
Nothing will ever change or become better if you do not take responsibility for your life. And that involves being as painfully objective as can be when looking at one’s self. It’s very difficult, and even when you think you’re being unbiased there’s always another mask. A layer of armor cloaking your ego from being discovered as the black hole it is. But that’s okay. Step by step, and you’ll slowly uncover the stairway to Heaven on Earth. Without further ado. Here are the 7 life-wrecking problems with modern men. And of course, I left the biggest one for last.
#1 Inability to Follow Advice
Whatever your father tells you, your good friend you trust, your brother who knows what you’re going through, most men will naturally shy away from following that advice and there’s a good reason for that, and it’s covered in my tweet up there. We’re designed this way to become our men and that’s good.
However, the type of person who refuses to follow advice that he actually agrees with is the guy I’m talking about, and that is the modern day man. He knows what he needs to do. He’ll be in full agreeance. He’ll even chirp up in group talks with the boys, as if he does it himself.
“If a bitch breaks your heart, leave her in the dust. Have some respect.”
Meanwhile he’s broken up and gotten back together with the same girl 6 times.
“All about lifting weights and getting strong. I’d rather die in war than in a cubicle!”
Bag of bones who works in the same dead-end job for 2 years, saying he’s gonna quit, but every time you see him he’s still there and still frail.
Because it’s far easier to talk loud than act it. These are the same people who let their dopamine get the best of them by speaking the act into reality, but never actually getting shit done. Their brain tricks them into thinking they did something, but as few years go by, they’re in the exact same spot they were before. Mediocre. Average.
Follow advice from people you respect and what you deem is necessary. Stick to your guns and the blueprint you were given. There’s a time and place to use your ego. There’s also a rare skill in knowing when to drop your ego and become a student. Tap into it.
#2 Prefer Pain of Laziness Over Pain of Success
You know what you’re doing is wrong, but you succumb to it. Fine. Everyone enjoys some time off. But for how long? Are you strong enough to whip yourself back into action or are you gonna seep into mindless activities that only propel you further back in progress? There’s pain in boredom and doing dumb shit. It’s numbing during the act because time flies by. But once it’s over, you’re still in the same bullshit spot. There’s also pain in doing what’s right and becoming successful. The difference is that when you look up, you’re in a completely different stratosphere than when you first began. Your demeanor changes. Your voice is deeper. You don’t laugh or find the same bullshit jokes funny anymore. You’re more developed because you’re sharpened your iron. No longer a child.
How many of you see a beautiful girl walk by you? She even makes eye contact and prays you say hello. But you don’t. Why not? Because it’s painful to potentially get rejected (in the mind at least). So you refuse. You come up with coping mechanisms like you don’t want to be weird, you're not looking for anything now, she’s not even that hot (she was a blonde model). The pain of approaching and potentially getting rejected is worth the glory of waking up with that same beauty in your bed the next morning.
Most average men prefer the pain of laziness and mediocrity over the pain of success and becoming a champion.
Btw, I’ve had over 40 people learn how to swoop private, sub-300 follower accounts online rather than having to approach in person getting dates with beautiful girls they’d most likely never even meet in person. If you’d like to learn how I’ve done it for years, and how all the students inside the Method are doing it as well, click below and get inside. We have a TG group as well for questions and further conversations with all the students.
#3 Too Angry At The World & Not At Themselves
I see it, time and time again. It’s more difficult to spot in real life, although I have gotten very good at sniffing out, it is absolutely rampant online as people don’t need to attach an identity that can be traced back to them offline. But their subconscious lingers on threads and posts where they freely write whatever they can to try and hurt whoever it is actually hurt them. Because those who have their lives in order and are succeeding in all important facets would never in a million years bother to even stoop down that low to comment anything negative on a random they don’t know. It doesn’t happen.
The truth is that these average folk are just angry at themselves. You can be angry at course sellers, at OF managers, at the J’s, at the LGBTQs, at Soros, at Trump or Biden, but at the end of the day you know that there are people out there who are dominating the very same game you are failing in. And that boils your blood on such a subconscious level that only the reds and dark magenta of aura emanate from your clanking away at your keyboard as you go at another guy on social media far happier than you.
Instead of using that anger for pointless drama or more likely than not a huge waste of time, get angry at your current state. Use that fury to get what needs to be done completed. You can absolutely do it, there are far worse men than you getting what you want out of life. They just tapped into their deepest desires and used it as fuel. You need to tap into your anger and use it as fuel as well. No need for pointless hate and anger towards others. It only sets you back further, deceiving you into thinking you did something. Hint: you absolutely did nothing.
Average guys are angry at themselves but redirect at others they wish they had the seat of.